At Risk Children & Youth

At Risk Children And Youth - AdvantEdge Care

Our care team of qualified professionals with a safe and well-organized home environment is what we offer to meet the needs of youngsters who find themselves in some awkward situations. to provide an experience that is most beneficial to the development of young minds. We know that situations often arise where parents will need help with the upbringing of their wards.

Children and families require a healthy, safe, secure, and nurturing environment to reach their full potential.

At AdvantEdge Canadian Care & Supports, we maintain the individuals we support with connection to their communities and families because we believe in the interconnectivity of the environment and the earth to provide support.

Our Healthy Circle is our in-house intervention program. While it is designed to meet the families of the individuals we serve, it is an avenue to measure our progress and amend the support plans as needed to raise a healthy, happy individual and community.

We are a family-friendly agency and so encourage families to visit the individual in care unless otherwise stated by concerned parties. Flexible visiting hours can be arranged in agreement with the home visitor and the families.  Also, Family visits are often 1 or 2 times a month in a calendar year. We hope you will stop by and enjoy dinner with us sometime.

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